Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Military Ranks, Units and Weapons

Military Ranks, Units and Weapons Military Ranks, Units and Weapons Military Ranks, Units and Weapons By Mark Nichol Even the best and most popular authors get facts wrong sometimes (often because they leave research to others and don’t vet it, or are careless in their own investigations), but that’s no excuse for shoddy writing that contradicts what a large segment of the readership knows to be true. One area that’s a minefield, so to speak, for writers is the military. It’s easy to find detailed information about military ranks, units, and weaponry, not to mention history, but here’s some basic training: Military Rank Various nations follow differing conventions of nomenclature for military ranks, which specify an individual’s place in the military hierarchy. Charts that compare various military ranks among and within countries abound in print and online, but the major distinction is between commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, and enlisted personnel. The first category is for personnel, often college graduates, who command units of various sizes depending on seniority. Noncoms are experienced enlisted personnel who supervise smaller groups of lower-ranking personnel. The term captain is a common point of confusion. A captain (the word is from the Latin for â€Å"head†) originally led a company of soldiers of indeterminate size. In modern armies, marine units, and air forces, captains are relatively low-ranking officers probably in their late 20s or early 30s. Naval captains, however, for reasons I won’t detail here, are much higher in equivalent seniority and usually much older. Furthermore, the commanding officer of most vessels is, by tradition, called the captain, though they may not hold that specific rank. In books, films, and television programs, the creators often stretch the bounds of probability as far as rank is concerned. In the original Star Trek TV series, for example, Captain Kirk was very young to be commanding a starship, though the 2009 big-screen reboot gives a plausible explanation for his precocious promotion. (Well, as plausible as anything is concerned when the subject is Star Trek.) By contrast, Brad Pitt’s character in Quentin Tarantino’s World War II action flick Inglourious Basterds [sic] is a mere army lieutenant. People who hold that beginner’s rank are likely to be in their early to mid-20s, but Pitt is old enough to be a lieutenant’s father. Military-style ranks are used in American police and fire departments. In large cities, a captain is a fairly high rank (while lieutenants are fairly common, especially among detectives), but in smaller departments, the chief may hold the rank of captain, and there may be only one lieutenant, or up to several. Similarly, a captain or a lieutenant heads up a fire company, which may consist of only a few firefighters, but a small-town fire department with a single station may be headed by a captain. Military Units You’ve seen it before: a book or movie synopsis that goes something like â€Å"A tough sergeant leads a platoon of commandos behind enemy lines . . . .† The military has a very specific organizational structure, and a platoon, which consists of several dozen soldiers, is never led by a sergeant, who in combat would be responsible for no more than a dozen or so men. As it turns out, the story’s commando unit consists of eight guys. There’s no military unit ordinarily consisting of eight soldiers, but an ad hoc assemblage could informally be called a squad. But if it’s on a special mission, even a mere eight-man unit would likely be led not by a sergeant but by a fairly junior officer, like Tom Hanks’s Captain Miller in Saving Private Ryan (who is assisted by a sergeant, who would take charge if his commanding officer were killed or incapacitated). Military Weapons Plenty of derision has been aimed over the years at war and cop movies and westerns, and at genre fiction, in which the hero’s magic gun never runs out of bullets, but it still happens. (I was annoyed too, while watching an already annoying fantasy film, when a character ambled through a crowded market square with an uncovered double-bladed battle-ax strapped to his back. All he had to do was inadvertently back into somebody to perform an instant nose-ectomy.) Follow the Drill Details like these may seem trivial to civilians, but they’re distracting to millions of service members and veterans, and many others, who know a sergeant major from a major general, a division from a detachment, and a Luger from a Ruger. The same problem afflicts people with firsthand or secondhand knowledge of any other system or profession or industry or avocation. So, if you’re going to write about the military, or about any other topic, do your research, and write it right. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?20 Clipped Forms and Their Place (If Any) in Formal Writing

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cómo se apostilla un documento para darle validez en otro país

Cà ³mo se apostilla un documento para darle validez en otro paà ­s La apostilla de la Haya es un sello que acredita que un documento obtenido en un paà ­s es verdadero y, por lo tanto, debe ser reconocido y aceptado como vlido en otro. El sello de la apostilla - o apostille- puede variar en diseà ±o, tamaà ±o o color entre paà ­ses. Lo fundamental para su validez es que sea colocado por una autoridad competente segà ºn las leyes que regulan este tema en cada uno de los paà ­ses firmantes de la Convencià ³n de la Haya o que adoptaron ese tratado posteriormente. Este artà ­culo informa sobre los puntos clave que deben saberse sobre la Apostilla de la Haya, quà © tipo de documentos se pueden apostillar y cules son las autoridades competentes para apostillar en todos los paà ­ses de Latinoamà ©rica que forman parte de la Convencià ³n, asà ­ como en Estados Unidos y en Espaà ±a.  ¿Cules documentos se pueden apostillar? Son susceptible de apostillar documentos de registro civil, por ejemplo, certificados de nacimiento, matrimonio, divorcio, defuncià ³n o solterà ­a. Tambià ©n aplica a documentos notariales, certificaciones de nivel de estudio, diplomas acadà ©micos y titulaciones universitarias. Asimismo, pueden apostillarse las certificaciones de los registros mercantiles, patentes, autos y sentencias judiciales, y cualquier otro documento emitido por una autoridad o funcionario pà ºblico. Por otro lado, no pueden apostillarse los documentos administrativos referentes a una actividad aduanera o mercantil, ni tampoco los expedidos por agentes consulares.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Argentina? La potestad de legalizar un documento mediante la apostilla de la Haya - conocida en Argentina como Apostille- corresponde al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Culto. La documentacià ³n debe presentarse en Esmeralda 1214, C.A.B.A. C1007ABR. En el interior del paà ­s los colegios de escribanos estn habilitados para colocar la apostilla. Si la documentacià ³n a legalizar ha sido emitida o certificada por una autoridad local, previamente a presentar los papeles deber obtenerse una legalizacià ³n por el Ministerio del Interior, Obras Pà ºblicas y Vivienda, y deber solicitarse el turno por Internet. Por otra parte, los tà ­tulos universitarios y las certificaciones de estudios secundarios y de estudios superiores no universitarios debern contar con la cadena de legalizaciones previa exigida por el Ministerio de Educacià ³n o, en su caso, el Ministerio de Sanidad, dependiendo del tipo de estudios.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Bolivia? Desde 2018, se puede solicitar apostillar un documento en las oficinas del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en La Paz, Cochabamba o Santa Cruz.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Chile? La autoridad competente para apostillar en Chile depende de la naturaleza del documento pà ºblico. Asà ­, para asuntos de justicia le corresponde a los secretarios regionales ministeriales, y en el caso de la regià ³n metropolitana, al Subsecretario de Justicia. Los documentos de educacià ³n deben presentarse ante las secretarà ­as regionales ministeriales. Los sanitarios, ante los secretarios regionales ministeriales, el Intendente de Prestadores de Salud o directores de servicios de salud. Los documentos de identificacià ³n o registro civil deben apostillarse con los directores regionales o el nacional. Los documentos emitidos por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores deben ser apostillados por el Director General de Asuntos Exteriores e Inmigracià ³n. Si la persona que debe apostillar un documento se encuentra fuera de Chile, puede solicitar este servicio por Internet y retirar el documento apostillado en un consulado en el exterior.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Colombia? La tramitacià ³n de la apostilla se hace en là ­nea.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Costa Rica? La autoridad para apostillar corresponde al Departamento de Autenticaciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. La solicitud de cita se realiza en là ­nea. Pueden presentarse un mximo de 12 documentos por cita.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Ecuador? En Ecuador, varias oficinas repartidas por las nueve zonas del paà ­s estn autorizadas para apostillar documentos pà ºblicos, previo pago de una tarifa de $20 que se reduce para mayores de 65 aà ±os y personas con discapacidad. Puede apostillar el titular del documento pà ºblico o una tercera persona.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en El Salvador? Corresponde apostillar al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, el cual lo hace de forma gratuita. Previamente a presentar los documentos para apostillar es necesario obtener la certificacià ³n de autenticacià ³n de la firma del documento. El lugar donde se obtiene depende de la naturaleza de dicho documento. Por ejemplo, si se trata de partidas del estado civil, pueden hacerlo el alcalde municipal, el jefe del registro del estado familiar o el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; si se trata de tà ­tulos universitarios, se encarga el Ministerio de Educacià ³n o el de Relaciones Exteriores.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Estados Unidos? En Estados Unidos, la competencia para legalizar un documento mediante la apostilla de la Haya corresponde a diversas autoridades dependiendo del tipo de documento. Asà ­, si se trata de un documento emitido por una agencia del gobierno federal, puede apostillar la Oficina de Autenticacià ³n del Departamento de Estado. Se puede contactar marcando al 1-202-647-5002 o por correo. El costo es de $8 por documento. Si se trata de apostillar un Reporte Consular de Nacimiento, el certificado de matrimonio o fallecimiento de un ciudadano estadounidense ocurrido fuera de Estados Unidos, o el certificado de nacimiento o fallecimiento emitido entre 1904 y 1979 por el Gobierno de la Zona del Canal de Panam, la competencia recae en el Bureau de Asuntos Consulares del Departamento de Estado. La solicitud de la apostilla debe estar notarizada y acompaà ±ada por una copia legible de una identificacià ³n emitida en los Estados Unidos como, por ejemplo, la licencia de manejar. Si se trata de documentos emitidos por un juez o una corte federal, como una sentencia o un auto, por ejemplo, pueden apostillarlos los secretarios o los asistentes de secretario de dichas cortes. Asimismo, en estos casos hay otra alternativa, la cual consiste en solicitar al Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos que autentifique el sello de una corte federal y, a continuacià ³n, solicitar la apostilla a la Oficina de Autenticacià ³n del Departamento de Estado. Sin embargo, en Estados Unidos, la mayorà ­a de las veces la autoridad competente para apostillar es el Secretario de Estado de cada uno de los estados, ya que ellos apostillan documentos emitidos por cortes locales y tambià ©n documentos de registro civil, como por ejemplo certificado de nacimiento, matrimonio, divorcio o fallecimiento, o incluso de un tà ­tulo acadà ©mico. En estos casos, antes de apostillar es necesario obtener el documento original o una copia oficial del mismo. En el caso de certificados de nacimiento o de estado civil, lo ms frecuente es que se deba contactar con la oficina del secretario del condado (county clerk, en inglà ©s) o de la municipalidad. Tambià ©n es posible obtenerlo a travà ©s de pginas en Internet dedicadas a esta labor como, por ejemplo, vitalcheck. En ningà ºn caso, las embajadas o consulados de Estados Unidos pueden colocar el sello de la apostilla en un documento emitido por una autoridad de Estados Unidos.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Espaà ±a? Para apostillar documentos pà ºblicos administrativos o judiciales, incluidos los de registro civil, las autoridades competentes son las gerencias territoriales del Ministerio de Justicia, la Oficina Central de Atencià ³n al Ciudadano, el mismo ministerio y las secretarà ­as de gobierno de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia autonà ³micos. Sin embargo, si los documentos judiciales han sido expedidos por el Tribunal Supremo o por la Audiencia Nacional, la autoridad competente son sus respectivos secretarios judiciales. Finalmente, si se trata de un documento privado o un documento notarial, tienen la competencia para apostillar los colegios notariales. En numerosos casos es posible que previamente a apostillar se requiera un reconocimiento de firma por parte de la autoridad competente, como es el caso de tà ­tulos universitarios, documentos expedidos por el Instituto de Seguridad Social, el Instituto Nacional de Empleo, la Agencia Tributaria, etc.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Guatemala? Corresponde la labor de apostillar al Departamento de Autà ©nticas de la Direccià ³n General de Asuntos Jurà ­dicos del Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores, ubicado en el Centro de Atencià ³n al Migrante (2a. Av. 4-17 zona 10), en Ciudad de Guatemala.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Honduras? Corresponde esta labor a la Seccià ³n de Autà ©ntica y Apostilla de la Secretarà ­a de Estado en el Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores, Municipio del Distrito Central. Para la solicitud se requiere presentar recibo bancario de pago de tarifa. La apostilla se demora un dà ­a.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Mà ©xico? Los documentos pà ºblicos estatales deben apostillarse con el gobierno del estado correspondiente. Son ejemplo de este tipo de documentos los emitidos por los oficiales del Registro Civil, los Jueces del Fuero Comà ºn, los presidentes municipales, los notarios pà ºblicos, la Procuradurà ­a y el Tribunal Superior de Justicia Estatal, etc. En el caso de documentos pà ºblicos federales, corresponde apostillar a la Secretarà ­a de Gobernacià ³n, Calle Rà ­o Amazonas # 62, Planta Baja,  Del. Cuauhtà ©moc, Col. Cuauhtà ©moc, C. P. 06500, Ciudad de Mà ©xico, Tel. (0155) 50-93-32-18 y 50-93-32-22. Las personas que viven en el interior de la repà ºblica pueden evitar tener que desplazarse al D.F. enviando la documentacià ³n por paqueterà ­a con guà ­a prepagada. Previamente, debern certificarse la firma del documento, pagar en ventanilla bancaria la hoja de ayuda para el pago de derechos, presentar identificacià ³n oficial vigente con pasaporte, INE, cà ©dula profesional o cartilla militar y, en el caso de los mexicanos, el CURP (Clave à ºnica de registro de poblacià ³n).  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Nicaragua? La autoridad competente es la Direccià ³n General Consular de la Cancillerà ­a. El titular puede presentarse en persona en sus oficinas o enviar la documentacià ³n por courier, previa descarga del formulario en el que se realiza la peticià ³n de apostilla.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Panam? La labor de apostillar corresponde al Departamento de Autenticacià ³n y Legalizacià ³n del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, ubicado en Ave. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Centro Comercial Sun Towers Mall. Se puede contactar marcando al 511-4045 / 511-4046.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Perà º? En Perà º corresponde al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores la labor de apostillar documentos pà ºblicos, y realiza esta labor en las Ventanillas de Trnsito y Atenciones Personalizadas. Cualquier consulta sobre la apostilla puede enviarse por correo electrà ³nico a: legalizacionesyapostillatrcrree.gob.pe  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Repà ºblica Dominicana? La persona interesada en apostillar un documento pà ºblico debe presentarse en el rea de Recepcià ³n y Entrega de Documentos de la Direccià ³n de Legalizacià ³n de Documentos dependiente del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Previamente deber haber pagado la tasa correspondiente en el Banco de Reservas y obtenido la certificacià ³n de firmas ante la autoridad competente que depender del tipo de documento. Asà ­, si se trata de actos de tipo civil, deber obtenerse certificacià ³n previa por parte de la junta de distrito. En el caso de documentos jurà ­dicos o judiciales, est a cargo el Departamento de Legalizacià ³n de Firmas de la Procuradurà ­a General de la Repà ºblica; los documentos de estudios de primaria y secundaria son apostillados por el Ministerio de Estado de Educacià ³n; de los de estudios universitarios se encarga el Ministerio de Educacià ³n Superior; los documentos mercantiles y de empresas son apostillados por la Cmara de Comercio; los relacionados con la salud se apostillan por el Ministerio de Salud Pà ºblica; los militares, por el Ministerio de Defensa y Policà ­a Nacional; y, finalmente, los documentos concernientes a la religià ³n catà ³lica, son apostillados por el departamento de legalizaciones del arzobispado.  ¿Cà ³mo apostillar en Venezuela? Para apostillar es necesario registrarse en la pgina del Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Relaciones Exteriores y solicitar cita electrà ³nica. El dà ­a de la cita puede acudir el titular del documento, un familiar o su representante o apoderado. De interà ©s para quienes desean estudiar o trabajar en EE.UU. Entre los documentos que ms se apostillan estn los relacionados con la educacià ³n. Es un paso comà ºn para los extranjeros que desean estudiar o desempeà ±ar trabajados que requieren ciertos estudios en Estados Unidos. La apostilla es diferente a la validacià ³n y homologacià ³n de los expedientes y tà ­tulos acadà ©micos. En Estados Unidos, la llevan a cabo empresas privadas expresamente reconocidas por la institucià ³n en la que se desea estudiar o trabajar, es decir, no sirve cualquiera y es necesario prestar atencià ³n a ese detalle. Puntos clave La apostilla permite que un documento expedido en un paà ­s sea aceptado en otro.Se apostilla en el paà ­s que ha emitido el documento.Cuba es el à ºnico paà ­s hispanoparlante en donde no aplica la Convencià ³n de la Haya.Embajadas y consulados no pueden apostillar.Dependiendo de los casos, es posible que sea imprescindible obtener un reconocimiento de firma antes de apostillar e, incluso, una traduccià ³n jurada que tambià ©n podrà ­a ser necesario apostillar. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal de ningà ºn tipo.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Response To the Promp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Response To the Promp - Essay Example He believes that to be unhelpful, and wants the readers to focus on confronting the fact that everyone’s mind works differently and following the same morals - regardless of their perception of life - can be considered as dangerous. This, he thinks, is a much better approach as everyone should not be judged similarly, peoples’ situation in life is different thus, their thoughts about what is right and what is wrong may differ, too. One of the themes that is most talked about in his book is about the master-slave morality. He believes that the good and evil forces in the world are in a constant struggle against each other. The definition of good and evil is different for the rich and the poor. The aristocrats are the ones with the power, the wealth and even the health and are, thus, considered as good. This reminds one of Aristotle’s ethics which stated that only the noble could achieve moral excellence; the poor had no hope of doing that. The bad are those who we re poor, unwell and weak, which would be the slaves in Nietzsche’s time. This was master-morality. In reference to the master-morality came the slave-morality, this seemed to be a contrast to the master-morality. The concept behind this is that the good are those who are meek and submissive; they are not worldly and are pious. These are, of course, the people who are a part of the lower caste group. The evil, on the other hand, are those who are rich and cruel, are worldly and egotistical. Nietzsche considered slave morality to be pessimistic as well as fearful; he believed it to be of value to only those who suffered from similar circumstances. In his book, he says that slave-morality was introduced by the slaves themselves who were resentful of their low station in life. He argues that this concept of equality allowed the slaves to be in peace with their current conditions without being hateful towards themselves. Believing that those who were successful or wealthy were bad allowed them to be content with their own lack of progress in the society, allowed them not feel inferior about themselves when compared to the rich. They tried to convince themselves that their position in society was by choice that they were meek because they wanted to be, and should not be thought of as weak. He writes about how slave-morality is the reason behind nihilism, which has taken over Europe. There are tensions due to the contradictory nature of the master-slave morality, which is an issue as both have values which are followed by most of the Europeans. Nietzsche says that the extraordinary people should not be ashamed of their individuality when concerning the morality which is followed by the general public. It may work for them but can be harmful for the exceptional people. However, he also says that morality in itself is not bad for the public, but it should not be forced on people. Those people, who do not find it right, should not be forced to follow it, but inst ead choose to believe in their own version of morality. The master-slave morality should not be followed to the point. Of course, there are some very successful people who are rich and that may lead them to be selfish or cruel or possessing any other number of bad qualities, but one cannot just write them off. The fact of the matter is that they are successful and rich, they must be doing something right to achieve that. So there is a positive and negative side – both – in master morality. On the other hand, if these people are thriving by doing bad things such as stealing,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Statistical models and probabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistical models and probabilities - Essay Example For every project, a schedule is prepared prior to the commencement of the execution of the work. In order for the schedule to be rational, it is imperative that the time taken by similar activities in the past is reviewed. The activities are assigned durations based on that. However, owing to the emphasis on creativity and innovation in the present age, civil engineers are trying new ways and methods of executing the projects, so past record of duration of a certain activity may not always be there. PERT is a technique of assessing the duration of an activity that has never been executed in the past. Like all other areas, civil engineering has also evolved through research. The conventional techniques for the quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of the data make use of statistical models and probabilities. The data is checked for normality through the measures of kurtosis and skewness. If the data passes the normality test, then parametric tests are applied to evaluate the data further. If the data does not pass the normality test, then nonparametric tests are applied for the further evaluation of the data. Risk management is a very important area of civil engineering. Civil engineers identify the risks at every stage of project starting from the project feasibility studies to the completion and handing over stage. Risk is any uncertain even that has a certain probability of occurrence and an impact. Assessment of risk at the right time not only allows the civil engineers to escape the threat posed by that risk, but also change that into an opportunity. Numerous techniques are employed for the risk assessment including the Monte Carlo simulation. Height of a bridge in a certain area is selected on the basis of the maximum water level seen in the history of floods and precipitation in that area. Different levels of water are assigned different probabilities depending upon the frequency of their

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is College Degree Essential Essay Example for Free

Is College Degree Essential Essay Is college degree really worth all the money spent and the effort put in it? Right now in our socirty a college education is no longer a option or a privilege. Without a college degree, you might as well becomes a homeless because if you don’t have a college degree you really aren’t anybody in this society.With a college degree, you get a good job, people give you more respect and you broraden up your knowledge. To me a college degree is essential for my future in order to be successful. First reason, college degree is essential is that it will lead me to get a really good job in the future. Being a college student perhaps more respectable role than being a janitor, lunch lady or a cook in a restaurant. When people know you as a college graduate, they give you more respect than just any ordinary person. With a college degree you get nice well-paying careers where you don’t have to break your neck and working your body to death. Even my parents motivate me more to stay in college because I don’t want to grow up and do the job that they doing now. Second reason why college is important is you gain respectful from people. For example my older brother who is a college graduate from Northwestern university gets more respect from all my family members and outsiders too. They look at him as not any ordinary person, but as a person who has accomplished a major goal that not everybody who starts finish. I know I will hain the same respect from people once I get my college degree. A degree is not just any other paper. It’s a special dcosument that will lead me to the right places in the future. It’s not good to be labeled as a college dropout or high school dropout. I would rather be preferred to be labeled as a college graduate not drop out. Another reason why college is essential is not only leading you to a good job, but also it prepares you with academic knowledge about the around you.  Most people are irerlate and don’t even know much about the world they live in due to the fact they didn’t finish high school or go to college. Most people excuse for not going to college is money. Yes that’s true but, there are so many resources out there to help you get into college if you’re willing to go. The way things are going now, the only way to make it through is by getting a college degree. Even with some simple jobs out there, you need some sort of degree in order to be hired. College degree is really essential for my future because I want to make a difference and help out my family in Ghana who didn’t have the same opportunity as me to go to college. Most teens out there take education for granted and don’t care much about it. In conclusion having a college degree is for your own benefit. It will lead you to many grate places in the career industry. Yes is a lot of money and work but it’s really worth it. I know that in four years from now I will be really happy that I went to college and didn’t play around with it. Nobody can ever take your education from you it’s your god given rights.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and J

The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a very famous play about two lovers in two different families who are rivals. Romeo and Juliet has love, passion, fighting, sadness, madness, lust and jealousy packed into one. It was written by William Shakespeare around 1595 over 400 years ago. Romeo and Juliet is a great play for all ages and genders this is one of the things that makes it so special. This is why it is still performed around the world today. Before Fight This is how William Shakespeare makes the story dramatic before the fight. In the play Shakespeare uses dramatic and emotive language for example "for now those hot days, is the mad blood stirring". Before the fight starts there is a light hearted mood. It is nice sunny day where Benvolio and Mercutio are playfully fooling around, talking about various subjects in their life. After a while they sit down to rest, just chatting. Quite quickly Mercutio and Benvolio get bored and restless. At this time the Capulets turn up and the mood suddenly changes to a tense atmosphere They slowly walk over to Benvolio and Mercutio and Tybalt was not in a good mood after the previous night . Benvolio was first to see them "by my head here come the Capulets" Mercutio reply's with a smile "by my heel I care not" this shows that he's in a strange mood most probably bored and restless and is trying to cause trouble. Straight away Mercutio is up on his feet and face to face with Tybalt drawing attention to themselves. He gradually provokes Tybalt e.g. "could you not take some occasion without giving" but then Tybalt infuriates Mer... ...ust in case what they paid for was not that good. In the days when Romeo and Juliet was 1st performed, theatre companies could not afford props and scenery so it had to be explained in the story. So in today's performances it would be a bit more effective and more pleasant to watch. Over 400 years people's emotions and feelings have not changed that much to this present day so I think people would still react the same to the loving parts of the play and tragic scenes. But the humour has definitely changed so I think today's audiences would not find the jokes as funny or just might not understand them. But today's audience would be much more polite and patient if the play got a bit slow or boring, as in Shakespeare's time people would have thrown rotten fruit and their excrement at the actors, who would have carried on.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Physical resources improve the performance of a business Essay

Explain how the management of human, physical and technological resources can improve the performance of Thorpe Park. In this task, I will be explaining how Thorpe Park manage their human, physical and technological resources and how good management of these resources improve their performance. 1. Good management of Thorpe Park’s physical resources Physical resources are the man-made tools or equipment needed for the day-to-day running of Thorpe Park. Basically, physical resources are anything that provides Thorpe Park with the means to perform its business processes. Thorpe Park’s rides are in good condition, are safe, are durable and are efficient and this demonstrates the high maintenance of their rides. Thorpe Park maintain their rides everyday (sometimes every 2 hours). This also demonstrates the high level of maintenance of their rides. Also, Thorpe Park have a team management team which monitor if there is a high standard of maintenance which creates high standards. The cleanliness and hygiene of Thorpe Park’s rides also demonstrates that the rides are being maintained well. How good management of physical resources improves Thorpe Park’s performance By Thorpe Park maintaining their physical resources to a very high standard, it increases the health and safety standards. This ensures customer needs a nd expectations are met and satisfied. Meeting customers’ needs and expectations ensures repeat business for Thorpe Park and more customers. More customers and repeat business will lead to an increase in ticket sales and more profit. Thorpe Park can then use this extra profit to re-invest into building new rides, maintaining existing ones. 2. Good management of Thorpe Park’s human resources Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of Thorpe Park. It also refers to the division of Thorpe Park that is focused on activities relating to employees. Thorpe Park can manage their human resources well and this can be done through various means. These means are by granting their employees free travel and food, discount on rides for family and friends, premium pay rates and other benefits from being an employee in Thorpe Park. By doing this, the employees of Thorpe Park are motivated to give their all to customers and be productive. Thorpe Park can manage their human resource well by training their employees. Training is  the ability to give employees skills and knowledge to do their job properly. They can provide this training for employees through the recruitment process. The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. They do this by identifying the need for a new employee, describing who you want through a person specification, describing what you want them to do through a job description, attracting potential employees, analysing candidates’ strengths and weaknesses and selecting the best person for the job. If the potential employee decides to take the job, Thorpe Park can then train the employee. However, if the potential employee decides to reject the job offer, they will have to start the recruitment process again which in the long run wastes time, money and reduces productivity. If the employee is recruited well, they will be able to meet the needs and expectations of customers. How good management of human resource can improve the performance of Thorpe Park By Thorpe Park are able to manage their human resources well, they will be meeting the needs and expectations of their customers. Thorpe Park meeting the needs and expectations allows them to build a good reputation and gives them more customers than their competitors such as Alton Towers, Chessington, Legoland or other any entertainment venues. This will allow Thorpe Park to expand as a business and increase their market share (A percentage of total sales volume in a market captured by a brand, product, or company) and the dema nd for their rides. 3. Good management of Thorpe Park’s technological resources Technological resources are resources such as software, designs, music, or text. These resources are owned like physical resources and are known as ‘intellectual property.’ Intellectual property laws allow people to own ideas and have rights over them. Thorpe Park can manage their technological resources well by constantly checking their programs and making sure they do not crash. They can manage technological resources by updating software regularly and making sure they run smoothly. Also, Thorpe Park have an IT team who specialize in ensuring programs are running smoothly and upgraded and updated regularly. Furthermore, the ticket collection system, the CCTV cameras, security systems, speaker systems, music and Wi-Fi all shows that  the technological resources in Thorpe Park are being managed well. How good management of technological resources can improve the performance of Thorpe Park By Thorpe Park managing their technological resources well, the customers’ experience is enhanced. This makes the customers of Thorpe Park happy, safe and satisfied because they are able to contact the outside world and enjoy their stay. This will result in repeat business for Thorpe Park and will allow Thorpe Park to attain more customers which will boost their sales, profit and reputation in the long run.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Agriculture of Pakistan Essay

Agriculture is a vital sector of Pakistan’s economy and accounted for 25. 9 percent of GDP in 1999-2000, according to government estimates. The sector directly supports three-quarters of the country’s population, employs half the labor force , and contributes a large share of foreign exchange earnings. The main agricultural products are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits, and vegetables, in addition to milk, beef, mutton, and eggs. Pakistan depends on one of the world’s largest irrigation systems to support production. There are 2 principal seasons. Cotton, rice, and sugarcane are produced during the kharif season, which lasts from May to November. Wheat is the major rabi crop, which extends from November to April. The key to a much-needed improvement of productivity lies in a more efficient use of resources, principally land and water. However, change is dependent on the large landowners who own 40 percent of the arable land and control most of the irrigation system, which makes widespread reform difficult. Assessments by independent agencies, including the World Bank, show these large landholdings to be very unproductive. Pakistan is a net importer of agricultural commodities. Annual imports total about US$2 billion and include wheat, edible oils, pulses, and consumer foods. Pakistan is one of the world’s largest producers of raw cotton. The size of the annual cotton crop—the bulk of it grown in Punjab province—is a crucial barometer of the health of the overall economy, as it determines the availability and cost of the main raw material for the yarn-spinning industry, much of which is concentrated around the southern port city of Karachi. Official estimates put the 1999-2000 harvest at some 11. 2 million 170-kilogram bales, compared with the 1998-99 outturn of 8. 8 million bales and the record 12. 8 million bales achieved in 1991-92. The government recently actively intervened in the market to boost prices and to encourage production. A major problem is that the cotton crop is highly susceptible to adverse weather and pest damage, which is reflected in crop figures. After peaking at 2. 18 million tons in 1991-92, the lint harvest has since fluctuated considerably, ranging from a low of 1. 37 million tons in 1993-94 to a high of 1. 9 million tons in 1999-2000. The 2000-01 wheat crop was forecast at a record 19. 3 million tons, compared to 17. 8 million tons produced during the previous year. This increase is due largely to favorable weather and a 25-percent increase in the procurement price to about US$135 per ton. About 85 percent of the crop is irrigated. Despite the record production, Pakistan will continue to be a major wheat importer. The government has imported an average of US$2. 4 million annually over the past 5 years. The United States and Australia are the major suppliers. Demand for wheat is increasing from Pakistan’s rapidly growing population as well as from cross-border trade with Afghanistan. Pakistan is a major rice exporter and annually exports about 2 million tons, or about 10 percent of world trade. About 25 percent of exports is Pakistan’s famous fragrant Basmati rice. Rice is Pakistan’s second leading source of export earnings. Private traders handle all exports. Pakistan’s main competitors in rice trade are Thailand, Vietnam, and India. Tobacco is grown mainly in the North-West Frontier Province and Punjab and is an important cash crop . Yields in Pakistan are about twice those for neighboring countries largely due to the extension services provided by the industry. Quality, however, is improving only slowly due to problems related to climate and soil. Farmers have started inter-cropping tobacco with vegetables and sugarcane to increase returns. About half of the total production is used for cigarette manufacturing and the remainder used in traditional ways of smoking (in hand-rolled cigarettes called birris, in water pipes, and as snuff). The share of imported tobacco is increasing gradually in response to an increased demand for high-quality cigarettes. Minor crops account for only 5 percent of total cultivated area; these include oilseeds (sunflower, soybean), chilies, potatoes, and onions. Domestic oilseed production accounts only for about 25 percent of Pakistan total edible oil needs. As a result, Pakistan spends more than US$1 billion annually in scarce foreign exchange to import edible oils, while its oilseed processing industry operates at less than 25 percent of capacity due to an inadequate supply of oilseeds. For 2000-01 total oilseed production was forecast to decrease 10 percent to 3. 6 million tons. The government has highlighted development of the oilseed sector as a priority. Pakistan’s fishing industry is relatively modest, but has shown strong growth in recent years. The domestic market is quite small, with per capita annual consumption of approximately 2 kilograms. About 80 percent of production comes from marine fisheries from 2 main areas, the Sindh coast east from Karachi to the Indian border, and the Makran coast of Baluchistan. Ninety percent of the total marine catch is fish; the shrimp which constitute the remainder are prized because of their greater relative value and demand in foreign markets. During 1999-00, total fish production was 620,000 tons, of which 440,000 tons consisted of sea fish and the remainder were fresh-water species. About one-third of the catch is consumed fresh, 9 percent is frozen, 8 percent canned, and about 43 percent used as fish meal for animal food. Livestock accounts for 40 percent of the agricultural sector and 9 percent of the total GDP. Principal products are milk, beef, mutton, poultry, and wool. During 1999, the livestock population increased to 120 million head. That same year Pakistan generated 970,000 tons of beef, 640,000 tons of mutton, and 190,000 tons of poultry. In an effort to enhance milk and meat production, the government recently launched a comprehensive livestock development project with Asian Development Bank assistance. Poultry production provides an increasingly popular low-cost source of protein. Modern poultry production is constrained by high mortality, high incidence of disease, poor quality chicks, and poor quality feed, combined with an inadequate marketing system. Frozen poultry have only recently been introduced. Forests cover an area of 4. 2 million hectares or about 5 percent of the total area of Pakistan. The principal forest products are timber, principally for house construction, furniture, and firewood. Many of the country’s wooded areas are severely depleted as a result of over-exploitation. The government has restricted cutting to protect remaining resources—though corruption often jeopardizes environmental efforts—and has lowered duties to encourage imports. Forestry production has since declined from 1. 07 million cubic meters in 1990-91 to 475,000 cubic meters in 1998-99. Pakistan imports an estimated US$150 million of wood products annually to meet the requirements of a growing population and rising demand by a wealthy elite.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative Essays Argumentative Essay Argumentative Essay p. 275. 3. Lafferty, M, (1979) ‘Why it is time for another leap forward’, accountancy, p. 51. 4. Skinner, D. J. (1994), ‘Why firms voluntarily disclose bad news’, journal of accounting research, 32(1), p. 40. 5. 0 References 1. Brown, P, amp; Tarca, A 2001, ‘Politics, Processes and the future of accounting standards’, Abacus, Vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 267-96. 2. Lafferty, M, 1979 ‘Why it is time for another leap forward’, accountancy, p. 51. 3. Skinner, D. J. 1994, ‘Why firms voluntarily disclose bad news’, journal of accounting research, Vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 38-60.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analytic and Sequential Learning

Analytic and Sequential Learning An analytic person likes to learn things step-by-step, or sequentially. Sound familiar? If so, look over these characteristics to find out if these traits hit home, as well. Then you may want to capitalize on the study recommendations and improve your study skills. Are You a Sequential Learner? An analytic or sequential learner may be more likely to respond to a problem with logic first, instead of emotion.If youre a sequential learner, you may feel the need to understand each part of an algebra equation.You may be good with time management, and you probably get to school on time.You tend to remember names.Your notes may be divided and labeled. You categorize things a lot.You plan ahead. Problems You may get hung up on details when reading. You have to understand something before you move on.You might get frustrated easily with people who dont understand things as quickly as you do. Analytic Style Study Tips Do you become frustrated when people assert opinions as facts? People who are very analytic learners might. Analytic learners like facts and they like learning things in sequential steps. They are also fortunate because many of their preferred methods are used in traditional teaching. Teachers also enjoy giving tests that favor analytic learners, like true and false or multiple choice exams. Since your learning style is compatible with traditional teaching styles and you enjoy order, your biggest problem is getting frustrated. An analytic learner may benefit from the following: Ask for clear rules. You need clarity. Without rules, you might feel lost.Dont get frustrated by opinions. Some students may offer opinions in class, especially the holistic learners who want to make comparisons! It is just their way of understanding, so dont let it bother you.Dont worry about not finishing a task. You may not want to move on to a new task if something (like a lack of supplies) interferes with your work. Try not to get hung up. Sometimes its okay to move on and re-visit a project later.Dont worry if things dont seem logical. We dont make the rules sometimes. If you come across a rule that doesnt make sense, dont let it bother you to distraction.Group your information. Analytic learners are good at categorizing information. Go ahead and place your information into categories. It will help you recall the information when you need it.Sit in the front of the class, to avoid distractions. If youre annoyed by rowdy or talkative students in the back of the class, try to sit where you wont notice them. Dont worry about big concepts right away - give yourself time. If youre reading a book or chapter and you dont seem to be getting the message, give it time. You may need to know all the details first, and then put them together.Take things step-by-step, but dont get hung up. If youre doing a math problem with an equation, dont get hung up if you dont understand a certain step. Take a leap of faith!Ask for a specific goal. Analytic learners may feel the need to understand the specific goal before they can get into a project. Go ahead and ask for clear goals if you need them. You may want to check out the characteristics of a global learner.You can also discover the characteristics of students who learn best by seeing, hearing, or experiencing.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

XML-Based Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

XML-Based Project - Assignment Example Thereafter, using the transformation language XSLT, the information from within the XML document was to be extracted and presented differently depicting different scenarios. Oxygen XML Editor was used for the project. 3. Discussion A total of 7 webpages were taken from the Internet for the project. This section presents the reasons that motivated the various decisions that were taken during each stage of the project. 4. The Material Chosen The site is an informational site that lists down the companies falling in different application areas and where jobs can be hunted. The material chosen for the project were taken from the same site so there is a hierarchy in between the different web pages. Furthermore, the content on each page also follows a hierarchal structure that can be translated into relations. This would facilitate the markup language. The selected webpages covered the most commonly used elements of informational sites (i.e. headings, text, links, paragraphs, lists, etc.). This presented an opportunity of learning to encode the different elements into XML. Besides possessing a hierarchal structure of the selected pages, a repeating structure is also present in each page. This facilitates the marking up process. 5. The Document Analysis The first task was to analyze the documents and identify the manner and relation in which the data was presented in them. It was found that one page pre sented a list of companies categorized into their respective application areas. While the remaining 6 pages presented detail of 6 of these companies. So the relationship between the 7 documents was identified as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Tree Structure of Pages Within each of these pages, a pattern was found in the way the information was presented. Within the home page, there were categories, and list of companies in each category. Figure 2 Structure of Home Page In the remaining 6 pages, information regarding a company was presented under the related headings which exhibited a pattern. Some headings were common in all the 6 companies. Figure 3 Common Structure of About Pages Thus, the information from all the 7 pages was united and a tree structure was formed that represented the way portions of information were related to one another by the relationship of root, parent, child and siblings. Figure 4 Unified Tree Structure Once the document tree was identified, the document was m arked up accordingly into an XML file (guide.xml) where the leaves of the tree were presented as child elements with no children. Figure shows the tree structure of the XML formed. Figure 5 XML Tree Structure Once the skeleton XML was formed, the data was filled in. 6. Encoding Scheme The next task was to validate the XML against an encoding scheme. This is important as it defines the rulings for the structure of XML that all inputs must adhere to. Any entry made that is not in accordance to the scheme set, makes the XML invalid and it will not remain well-formed. Two options were present to validate the defined XML document against; XML DTD or XML Schema. Although both are standardized (so developers can understand them equally easily) and both the options deliver the same functionality yet there is a difference in their definition. DTD has the lowest definition of data as CDATA